bg 1x1 tsyasmin - Today i had to spend 3 hours to initiate a take down of some of my

tsyasmin - Today i had to spend 3 hours to initiate a take down of some of my

9K views2 months ago

Yasmin Lee

Today I had to spend 3 hours to initiate a take down of some of my contents that was stolen from here This is not the first or the last First of all I want to thank everyone that is on here paying your small fees see my work and take a private tour into my sex diary private life This is the right way to do it Before this many of us girls were at the mercy of companies using us at cash cows reeking the benefit of what you enjoyed This message is to the very very small few that comes on here to steal contents It is wrong The trans community is the most neglected minorities in the world We are often used left to the side without any means to support ourselves in this society other than sex work This is our hard work and 1 1 million views stolen from here does affect my potential earning A lot of us rely on platforms like this to put a roof over our head and food in our mouth Because of the pandemic I ve canceled all my work tours and special engagements to protect myself my family and my fans with the spread of covid It s the right thing to do However it does hit me financially I will more than likely not be back into my work with my regular income until we have a vaccine Right now more than ever us girls rely on fans on here and tips So you giving our work from here for free is not right Please stop stealing our bread crumbs Think of all that we have to go through already in this world What I have gone through in this world From concentration camp refugee camp sexual abuses military harassment when I served the lost of my little brother in Afghan my father from a stroke after surging cancer my older brother to a fire my oldest brother to cancer my ex husband from courting my 2 best friends my best friends because they went for it and surviving this world while being trans I m sorry that to everyone with this message This is the only way for me to to communicate to that few that are doing this
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