bg 1x1 openheartscanuniterhy - A new article on elephant journal for all those that asked does yoga

openheartscanuniterhy - A new article on elephant journal for all those that asked does yoga

3.7K views4 months ago


A new article on Elephant Journal for all those that asked does yoga make for better sex https www elephantjournal com 2022 06 the-truth-about-why-practicing-yoga-makes-for-better-sex-rhyanna-watson The truth is yoga can create better sex but not in the way the world thinks it is on a much deeper level than people think Everything is connected A fancy yoga pose may create fun but the truth is great sex is about creating a great connection to yourself and the person you are with Yoga is a great example of how we can look at self-care and how self-care is what truly creates better sex And that is what yoga is about self-care So yes it does link to better sex when practiced mindfully Yoga is a form of self-care that helps us to work with our inner world our inner voice and gives us a position to feel connected to ourselves get to know ourselves and feel beautiful in our own skin whilst enjoying our own company and being more compassionate and realistic with ourselves
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