My daughters first day of school in her new country Thailand My heart is out of my chest with it all in life at the moment Everything comes at once as we all know For me our move my first retreat leaving tomorrow and seeing Laine go on the bus to school today in her new city We forget the small things are the big things We also forget this online world is a gift This year I paid for Laines school fees and her Oma s plane ticket to come care for her so I could teach my retreat I could not have done that without you all being here your support and my online clients Thank you from the bottom of my heart you all make difference and are amazing I am so grateful love transcends all distances and we all share ourselves here and dance through life together on the waves of life s ups and downs A small gift of gratitude to you all a free fitness program on Vimeo to say thank you for your support Sign in to Vimeo click link on computer to get for free I wish I could do more and thank you for all your support - Tabata Me Fit https vimeo com r 3nl4 bE05MnBIOG Any suggestions for new art creations with audriasana ill be seeing them on my retreat join p treon to see the behind the scenes being shared in September