bg 1x1 schleeey - Quick noodle update ft xoxoyourdreamgirl she s home now after being at

schleeey - Quick noodle update ft xoxoyourdreamgirl she s home now after being at

4.2K views3 weeks ago

Chérie 🍒

quick noodle update ft xoxoyourdreamgirl she s home now after being at the vet all day literally waited 2-3 hours in the car beforehand too and i got send home with some medicine that might help her feel a lil better they still don t know what s wrong but i have an appointment to on the 22nd for a neurologist for her they re recommending an MRI if she s not improving by then and i m really scared because i don t think i can afford it for starters it s upwards of 3k and secondly if she doesn t improve she may never i probably won t post anymore updates unless it s something really big because i don t want to keep spamming you guys with my life problems haha but thank you guys for providing a space where i can feel comfortable in times of stress it really helps
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