bg 1x1 lara6683 - The most important accessory i bring with me when i travel is a tripod

lara6683 - The most important accessory i bring with me when i travel is a tripod

4.6K views4 months ago


The most important accessory I bring with me when I travel is a tripod It folds up neatly and fits diagonally across the bottom of my suitcase I stayed at a lovely old-school hotel recently and I wanted to take some risky photos in the hotel hallway This was thrilling to do because I was naked in all of them I really had to get these done quickly and then get out of there In the photos I am barely able to cover myself with my hands but I couldn t do that while setting up In this impromptu set there are 6 photos of me in the hotel hallway and I am wearing precisely no clothes in all of them I have two extra tip photos and they can be yours for a tip of 13 after unlocking the main photos
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