bg 1x1 princeszelda - Why princess zelda i want to tell you about how i decided to change my

princeszelda - Why princess zelda i want to tell you about how i decided to change my

3.5K views2 months ago

Princess Zelda

Why Princess Zelda I want to tell you about how I decided to change my nickname and call myself that Initially I didn t want to use my real name for privacy reasons my real name is Margo and I stopped hiding it At the moment when I broke my head over the nickname and tried to come up with something original and memorable I played Nintendo Switch as you have already realized it was the legend of Zelda I feel like I m playing the warmest sweetest anime series like Legend of Aang where everything is so naive honest strong dramatic and scary That my heart feels like I m part of this story that I wanted to put it here somehow and what could be more perfect than naming my profile after Princess Hyrule
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