bg 1x1 380003471258034176 - I decided to feel like a real athlete and went to the gym i put on the part 3

380003471258034176 - I decided to feel like a real athlete and went to the gym i put on the part 3

12.2K views6 months ago


I decided to feel like a real athlete and went to the gym I put on the most beautiful tracksuit I could find and was ready to break all limits of physical activity But as soon as I entered the hall I met my old friend - gravity When I tried my first jump my baggy pants decided they would be fun to slide down to my knees So I m running around the hall trying not to trip over my own pants and causing smiles and funny looks from everyone around I became a real star of laughter in the gym After that I only wear tight pants to the gym daddysgirl sex cute debauchery thin young student gfe gym sportswear
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