bg 1x1 lucyannebrooks - What am i bringing you back from greece i m heading home today and

lucyannebrooks - What am i bringing you back from greece i m heading home today and

3.5K views2 months ago

Lucy-Anne Brooks

WHAT AM I BRINGING YOU BACK FROM GREECE I m heading home today and packing my cases but shall we make sure I have a treat to bring back just for you I want to bring back a filthy present I can give you tomorrow and I don t mean fridge magnets or shot glasses from the airport duty free Let me know how big of a bag I need to bring back for you and I ll make sure you get to enjoy every minute of it 10 Backpack - full of premium videos of me getting naughty in the sun 25 Duffel Bag - A bundle of premium videos and something a little more personal with your name 50 Suitcase - 25 Duffel Bag - A bundle of premium videos and a 5 minute personal video with your name 200 Luxury Collection - A bundle of premium videos a 10 minute completely custom video and a whole host of other private and personal treats with your name in them too
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