bg 1x1 the-real-ninja-girl - Please don t mind my sleepy face here d i took these pictures during part 1

the-real-ninja-girl - Please don t mind my sleepy face here d i took these pictures during part 1

3.6K views・ 1 month ago

The Real Ninja Girl 🥷🔥

Please don t mind my sleepy face here D I took these pictures during early morning while listening to birds and hiding naked in bedsheets on balcony It was such a sweet happy moment So I took these photos to share a warm smile with you as well Yesterday I did not manage to share here as I had very long travel to Peru where I landed late at night So today taking very easy resting and same time getting very excited about beautiful energy of city I am in People here are so beautiful energy of places feel clear food is great D and today I adopted two alpaca babies they are on last photo from very nice woman who was making them on market I feel so happy and soft and filled by beauty rn Ahhh Ps Their names are Chiquito and Chiquita
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