taking photos should be my calling what am I doing in graphic design I supposedly learned to draw so I could get into the next year but damn how satisfying photos are you can talk about them at university recently I have some kind of spoken failure I can t sell myself properly - and photos damn nothing to add nothing to subtract I can reveal some fragment of my life story I was supposed to do a solo exhibition in this city that it was almost decided just start doing things you can take a photo keep it on your computer long enough and when it finally ferments in the digital memory of the equipment you can show it on the blog exhibition great satisfaction write your favorite number in the comment the author will see if anyone reads it to the end kisses robienie zdj powinno by moim powo aniem co ja robi na grafice nauczy am si niby rysowa tak eby dosta si na nast pny rok ale kurde jakie satysfakcjonuj ce s zdj cia mo na o nich opowiada na uczelni ostatnio mam jak m wion pora k nie umiem si odpowiednio sprzeda - a zdj cia kurde nic doda nic uj mog zdradzi jaki urywek z historii ycia mia am w tym mie cie robi wystaw solo e ju ju by o prawie ustalone tylko zacz robi rzeczy fotografi mo na zrobi trzyma na kompie odpowednio d ugo a jak ju si wykisi w cyfrowej pami ci sprzetu to mo na to pokaza na wystawie blogu du a satysfakcja napisz w komentarzu swoj ulubion liczb autor zobaczy czy kto to czyta do ko ca ca uski