rosiemariefeedee - August 2021 throwback my 17 000 calorie day join me on my most proud play icon

rosiemariefeedee - August 2021 throwback my 17 000 calorie day join me on my most proud

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Rosie Marie Feedee TOP 1.7%

August 2021 Throwback My 17 000 calorie day Join me on my most proud day as a feedee in my most hedonistic clip to date Meal 1 Breakfast - Still half asleep and in no makeup I begin my day with a whopping 4480 calories I push my limit from the very beginning chowing down despite being so tired But there s no stopping with breakfast Meal 2 Funneling - I make myself a massive gainer shake of 4350 calories and power through it without even stopping for air Despite being pumped so full that I can hardly speak we aren t even close to finishing Meal 3 A quick snack - I quickly recovered from the funneling now it s time to enjoy a 2264 calorie snack I chow down and begin sharing more about how I feel and the process at hand During this meal enjoy more fat chat than in the first two meals Meal 4 Burping Chimes In - While I have let several burps out during my stuffing this is where they become frequent I inhale another 1840 calories as I talk about my proud achievements so far I m now hopeful and ready for the finale Meal 5 Fantasy Finale - I have finally reached the end of my massive day of eating finishing off with 4190 calories I m now at my absolute breaking point shoving the final bites in despite not even being able to talk or drink water I slowly bring my magical day to a close and now it s time to lay down
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