rosiemariefeedee - July 2021 throwback i was completely stuffed and round from a massive play icon

rosiemariefeedee - July 2021 throwback i was completely stuffed and round from a massive

11.5K views7 months ago

Rosie Marie Feedee TOP 1.7%

July 2021 Throwback I was completely stuffed and round from a massive stuffing I did that pushed me to my absolute limits you ll see that video soon All I could do is lay in my bathrobe in bed practically immobile Thank god my male talent was around They knew I get irrationally horny from stuffing and took care of me the best way possible Even though I couldn t move from my beached whale position they took care of me I had my belly played with my pussy ate to orgasm and in the heated last moments I managed to capture the sight of my fat belly getting a cum shot While this little clip is short pay close attention to the way the bed creaks under my weight the way my belly takes up the whole phone screen and of course how doughy and plush I am as my belly is squeezed
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