rosiemariefeedee - May 2021 throwback rosie is on her way to a wedding but needs a quick play icon

rosiemariefeedee - May 2021 throwback rosie is on her way to a wedding but needs a quick

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Rosie Marie Feedee TOP 1.7%

May 2021 Throwback Rosie is on her way to a wedding but needs a quick snack before leaving Before she knows it she can t stop eating and outgrows her dress It s just going to be one snack - Rosie digs into some McDonalds and quickly tries to mow down all of her food with big jaw unhinging bites She quickly tries to fix her makeup as her friend calls questioning why she s late But she isn t quite ready to leave yet She can t stop eating - Her one little snacks progresses into an even larger snack plowing through burgers and chugging a milk shake even as her friend keeps calling telling her she s late But she can t put down her food for even a second It s too late damage is done - Rosie inspects herself in the mirror her dress is noticeably much tighter She is beyond repair from her own greed Eating is way more fun than weddings anyways - Rosie gives up and lets her dress ride up as she lays in bed shoving her face full of more burgers
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