rosiemariefeedee - July 2021 throwback your sassy feedee is not playing around tonight play icon

rosiemariefeedee - July 2021 throwback your sassy feedee is not playing around tonight

8.8K views7 months ago

Rosie Marie Feedee TOP 1.7%

July 2021 Throwback Your sassy feedee is not playing around tonight she has a ravenous hunger that seemingly cannot be satiated no matter how much she stuffs Come see your demanding girlfriend in action Dinnertime as usual - You serve your fat GF dinner after she complains about how hungry she is her stomach even loudly grumbling telling you just how hungry she is But she plows through her plate and glass of soda in no time at all she s still starving She can t stop - She takes your plate right out of your hand and destroys your dinner too All you can do is sit and watch as she stuffs until she s clearly too full But she STILL isn t done She WON T stop - This clip ends with your girlfriend shoving her already stuffed face full of food straight from the pot you cooked it in This is where it gets messy
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