thescubagay - Time for a new thing i want to start doing every week tuesdaytalks play icon

thescubagay - Time for a new thing i want to start doing every week tuesdaytalks

6.7K views6 months ago

The Scuba Gay

Time for a new thing I want to start doing every week TuesdayTalks Today s topic is Animal Encounters I ve been working as a marine biologist for years and have been diving for nearly a decade Spending so much time underwater is going to lead to some close calls and weird encounters Well today I definitely had a not-so-fun run in with my least favorite fish the gray triggerfish so I thought I d talk about it and some of the other noteworthy encounters I ve had Trust me there are many more but these are just some funny ones that have happened Since this is a new thing I want your feedback Any suggestions or tips on how to do these Any topics you want to hear me talk about And finally I want to end each TuesdayTalks video with a Question Of The Day So today s is What weird or wild animal encounters have you had Comment below with your tips suggestions and stories
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