dearmissdpahney - Big belly hungry horny waitress devours her patrons then gets part 2 play icon

dearmissdpahney - Big belly hungry horny waitress devours her patrons then gets part 2

10K views8 months ago

Dear Miss Daphney

Big Belly Hungry Horny Waitress Devours Her Patrons Then Gets Swallowed Up By Even Hungrier Woman In this epic POV big belly vore custom fantasy Daphney works as a waitress at a fancy restaurant and is serving a table of 8 women out for a girls night When one of her diners needs to use the restroom she follows her in and seduces her with a kiss camera s POV But she soon realizes how hungry she is as her belly grumbles and cannot stop herself from opening her mouth wide and swallowing down the delicious woman Her belly now swollen with her tasty meal Daphney heads back out to wait on her tables She stops first to let a big burp and coughs up the woman s bra When she returns to take the remaining women s dessert orders 3 of the diners excuse themselves to go out for smoke Dapheny watches them walk away while licking her lips and proceeds to finish with the rest of the orders before catching the 3 women on their way back in She directs them all to the restroom and again has her way with each one After kissing and gulping down one the others excitedly offer themselves up to Daphney as well Delighted she hungrily gobbles them down as well Her belly stretching and bulging bigger and bigger with each meal Now she is finally starting to get full but for Daphney there is always room for more As she approaches her table of the remaining women she sees they have begun to walk towards her obviously noticing her now massive bloated belly hanging out from under her crop top One woman approaches first and daphney feeling stuffed and horny can t help but move in to kiss that woman too But of course the temptation is too great and she swallows her up as well At this point Daphney finds herself so overcome with fullness that she now rolling around on the floor no longer able to stand This is when one of the few remaining women of the table of 8 sees Daphney a role which is also played by Daphney and excitedly licks her lips The skinny diner from the table of 8 opens her mouth wide and with a look of surprised terror on the waitress s face gulps her down Soo now the once skinny diner has swallowed up Daphney and her friends already inside Daphney s Huge belly The big belly woman falls to the floor and rubs her swollen stuffed tummy Her friends then look at her camera POV and begin eating her out Licking her pussy from under her dress the big belly woman moans in pleasure as we see her face peaking out from behind her huge stomach As her friends are licking her out one decides to unbirth herself inside of the womans pussy Making her belly even BIGGR Intrigued the other friend joins in and becomes unbirthed inside the already huge bellied woman on the floor now her belly is MASSIVE She can hardly see over her own stomach and struggles to stand Waddling and leaning against the wall she is incredibly pleased by her fullness of having SEVEN women stuffed inside of her But soon she realizes she doesn t feel good She falls to her knees and leans against her giant stomach moaning with discomfort Soon she doubles over just off screen and begins barfing up the contents of her sore stuffed belly One by one she expels the gluttonous waitress and all of her fellow gal pals from dinner the waitress had swallowed Coughing up their clothes as she goes By the time she is finished her stomach has shrunken but not all the way The Un-birthed friends still remain inside her causing her belly to still bulge under her dress Having barfed up all the other women has made her feel much better though so she relishes in her lovely evening as the women take their leave from the restaurant Daphneysugarrose
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