dearmissdpahney - Backwards big belly vore boss fantasy pt 1 - mp4 1920x1080p this is part 1 play icon

dearmissdpahney - Backwards big belly vore boss fantasy pt 1 - mp4 1920x1080p this is part 1

23.1K views8 months ago

Dear Miss Daphney

Backwards Big Belly Vore Boss Fantasy Pt 1 - Mp4 1920x1080p This is PART 1 of a 2 part video Welcome to your new job After performing nicely in your interview your new boss though abnormally large seems to like you The pay if great you like the office environment and aside from the massive swollen lumpy belly you even find yourself oddly attracted to your new boss In fact you can t be sure but you may even find that huge bloated stomach intriguing Of course there is a catch there always is when things seem to good to be true Your new boss shares a dark and dangerous secret with you regarding the contents of her giant belly Wow As potentially horrifying as the secret may be you cannot help yourself but to accept the new high paying position with the alluring big bellied boss Especially after she instructs you to touch and feel her jumbo stretched out stomach She struggles to sit back down and even lets out a couple burps as she settles in to begin digesting the recently gulped down squirming contents of her massive belly She even slaps and punches the lumps in her belly commanding her recent meal to Settle down in there nbsp Sure you feel bad for the guy stuck in that big gut but hey- thanks to your bosses insatiable hunger and need to stuff herself with non compliant employees YOU have landed yourself a great new job Now all you have to do is keep your new boss happier than your predecessor nbsp Each day Your rather demanding and somewhat apathetically cruel boss calls you into her office to monitor your progress in the office SHe teases and taunts you with her now shrinking belly as it digests her latest meal your processor She is quite clear about your fate if you were to disappoint her especially the farther along her last meal gets with digestion and the hungrier she becomes each day Her belly becomes less lumpy and round as her prey is slowly turned in mush inside of her You are realizing just how much danger you could be in yet still you cant help but be curiously drawn to that magically expansive belly of hers But luckily so far your work seems to be satisfactory to your hungrier and hungrier boss The hungrier she gets the better everyone in the office seems to perform And THAT is exactly what the Boss lady wants Daphneysugarrose
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