dearmissdpahney - Nerdy girl transformed into full grown wonder woman - mp4 1920x1080p part 1
8 months ago
Nerdy girl Transformed Into Full Grown Wonder Woman - Mp4 1920x1080p Click Through past preview gif for the full length video Daphney enters the classroom for a newly announced Emergency Gathering for the Science club members She sits and after a moment realizes that it seems to be only girls at the gathering where are all the male club members And who called for this gathering anyway The modern mythology teacher huh What the heck does modern mythology class even talk about How weird Weird indeed And we are about to see just how weird things are going to get for Daphney at the emergency gathering Cum watch as the mystery modern mythology teacher mumbles some sort of spell while Daphney begins to feel strange Right before our very eyes she goes from nerdy science club student to allll woman A Wonder Woman to be exact Her sneakers disappear and are replaced by a pair of dazzling stiletto high heels Her make-up goes from natural naive to vixen seductress Her pulled back simple hair transformed into long dark wavy locks Sweater and jeans are melted away to reveal a familiar red blue and gold outfit Even Daphney s demeanor has transformed from basic wholesome girl to saucy seduction minx A powerful full grown woman with her sights set on that now much more naive looking wizard teacher YOU camera POV Daphneysugarrose