drvenusdrmars - Having been a health nut since age 12 swallowing handfuls dozens of play icon

drvenusdrmars - Having been a health nut since age 12 swallowing handfuls dozens of

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Dr.Venus and Dr.Mars: The Art Of Love...

Having been a health nut since age 12 swallowing handfuls dozens of huge vitamin pills daily for decades renders Venus incapable of having any gag reflex So take your vitamins for health vitality immunity and fringe benefits Recommended Acidophilus B Complex Echinacea Vitamin D Ginseng Graviola Milk Thistle Oil of Oregano Saw Palmetto for men s prostate health Zinc and extracts of blueberries turmeric cranberry mushroom if you don t eat enough fresh ones Vitamins DeepThroat OralSex Fellatio Blowjob
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