Happy Hump Day The glute muscles are a muscle group consisting of the gluteus Maximus the largest and thereby strongest muscle in the body gluteus medius gluteus minimus and tensor fasciae latae muscles They are found in the gluteal region an area overlaying the posterior aspect of the pelvis girdle and primal to the femur These muscles stabilize the upper body and pelvis and aid in locomotion and extend the hip The gluteal muscles act on the hip joint mainly to facilitate abd ction and extension of the thigh but some also assist in add ction external rotation and internal rotation of the thigh Glute max is an important muscle for activities in day to day living displays of expl sive athletic performance and stability of certain joints in the body It is our most powerful hip extensor If the glute med and minimus were not c ntracting properly the pelvis would drop towards the opposite side and the trunk would lean towards the opposite side This is because the glute medius and minimus act to stabilize the pelvis Eg In Single leg stance which accounts for 30 of our normal gait What is your fav glute exercise Join me on p treon to work that Booty all angles link in socials Glutes burning