This piece of art was a play of freedom It was amazing to make with Volo Volo was where I first learned to lean into accepting me and lean away from society and the voices that limited me Sadly Volo no longer exists but the memories live on forever in my mind body and soul and bring me joy every time I think of them They are also what lead me to hear https soundcloud com user-984650879 wishing-your-loved-ones-well-seated-practice utm_source clipboard amp utm_medium text amp utm_campaign social_sharing You may like this something I read yesterday Something I practice every day to help me to find more of me in the world less stress and more kindness This is a compassion mediation It is a meditation known to help us with our minds and find more grace with the overwhelm or negative thoughts Compassion is very important to cultivate if we are very empathetic or our mind becomes negative It helps us to place attention outside of us and not on our own feelings and reactions But how we can help another or ourselves Neuroscientist Richard Davidson says Empathy without care and compassion is a self focused experience We ourselves become distressed and try to cope with our own response Compassion is just the opposite We do not get caught up in our own feelings and reactions Our intention is infused with care and the motivation to help rather than get distressed Compassion is always by definition other centred Compassion says What I am feeling is beside the point In this moment it is about x Switching to compassion can be hard in the moment but with practice it becomes easier You do not need to find love or warm fuzzy you just shift your attitude or perspective Help someone near you send a text to a friend focus on what you can do When we do meditation like this and tap into compassion it finds compassion for us and others We in turn increase our courage Courage is what we ultimately need to create change or handle things It allows us to be strong and face our suffering It also helps us prioritise self compassion find smaller actionable steps focus on finding more positive emotions - research shows when we celebrate others good fortune we activate our own brains reward systems this activation improves our wellbeing and linked to a greater life satisfaction and more meaningful relationships Happy Monday join me on p treon top 3 tiers to enjoy the freedom with censorship of movement and fine art Over 2 years worth of content to enjoy now when you join