openheartscanuniterhy - See full dances in p treon link in socials from my book brave play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - See full dances in p treon link in socials from my book brave

4.7K views5 months ago


See full dances in p treon link in socials From my book Brave Beautiful and Baring it All - on Amazon When I hit my lowest point I reconnected with my inner kid by finding something to work on that would make me excited Who knew that learning handstands could change lives I guess because I was upside down a lot of the time my frown turned into a natural smile As well as practising handstands and yoga I read books that touched my heart soul and mind I gave myself permission to dress up nice and take myself out somewhere special just because I danced and let my inner kid shine Some days I still get lonely sad and filled with regrets but I now know that connecting with my breath looking for positives and goofy dancing help a lot I am learning to do things for me and have rebuilt my home with the things I like but which might not be to everybody else s taste Colours that calm me down a plan to follow when things turn dark A few people I try to treat right even though I don t always succeed despite my best intentions I m learning I m learning to make things awesome for myself I m learning every day that I save myself And most importantly that this is a life-long work in progress
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