openheartscanuniterhy - What is naked yoga naked yoga also called nagna yoga is simply the play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - What is naked yoga naked yoga also called nagna yoga is simply the

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What is naked yoga Naked yoga also called nagna yoga is simply the practice of yoga without clothes It has been a spiritual practice in India since ancient times and today is performed throughout the world by people from all walks of life who wish to explore the freedom of yoga without restrictions fears or insecurities What are the benefits of Naked Yoga The benefits of Naked Yoga are numerous but one of the most widely reported effects is a greater mind-body connection It can be a great tool for those wishing to increase body positivity and self-love as it encourages acceptance and appreciation of the body in its most open and vulnerable state When the barriers of clothing are removed you can become more keenly aware of your body s connection to its environment such as its weight on the surface of the earth the temperature of the air around you and the sensations within the body itself all of which open a greater pathway for mindfulness While Naked Yoga is not intended to be a sexualized experience it can inspire feelings of increased desire as you begin to shed inhibitions and connect more deeply with your inner-self What if I don t feel comfortable being naked You are certainly not required to be naked when following naked yoga videos Though the videos I am sharing on p treon link in socials of naked yoga I am practicing without clothes the exercises can be performed comfortably with clothing on as well Each video is designed to be enjoyed in the privacy of your own home and at your own pace How much experience do I need to do Naked Yoga Everyone can enjoy naked yoga Teachigns are designed for yogis of all experience levels from beginner to expert I recommend consulting your doctor before embarking on any new fitness journey especially if you are pregnant or have a chronic injury or illness Do I need to be flexible to start Naked Yoga practice Absolutely not Many people begin their yoga journey with the goal of increasing their flexibility so whatever your current flexibility level may be that s just fine We all have to start somewhere While you will certainly increase strength and flexibility over time if you consistently practice yoga it s important to go slowly and not cause yourself an injury by pushing beyond your limits Becoming more flexible isn t necessarily comfortable but it shouldn t be painful Be patient with yourself and listen to your body as you go Why practice yoga naked There is a sense of freedom practicing yoga naked While many equate being naked with sex this couldn t be further from the truth in a naked yoga class It s about being comfortable in your own skin and the amazing confidence that comes with it It s about knowing accepting and loving yourself at your core Part of yoga is to honor and connect with your body Practicing yoga naked frees you from negative feelings about your body and allows to to be more accepting and deeper connected with yourself and the world around you What if I get an erection It rarely happens but when it does it s okay and nothing to be embarrassed about It will pass quickly Erections happen for a lot of reasons and are not limited to sexual attraction Yoga moves a lot of energy throughout the body and sometimes erections happen But once we start moving there is no way an erection could be sustained because of the physical nature of Yoga I don t have the perfect body will I feel out of place Being naked is a fear a lot of people have and being naked and practicing yoga can be intimidating Our society is driven by an unrealistic ideal of physical beauty which can fuel an array of insecurity and self-doubt Most people don t have the body of a model or the digitally enhanced pictures we see on socials we hold ourselves to those standards One of the reasons I offer Naked Yoga classes is to help you gain confidence by accepting and loving your body as it is It can be a very healing experience Can yoga help insomnia Yes it can Yoga helps to balances the body s melatonin levels the chemical which regulates your body clock Physical exertion and mental concentration of yoga helps to relax your body and reduce stress Will the classes promote weight loss Many people find their weight finds a healthier level through our classes For some people this means they lose weight for others they gain weight Remember that weight is not a good way to judge health and fitness Especially as our classes help strengthen muscles and muscle weighs more than fat Why is it important not to eat heavy meals right before class Some people may feel nauseous if they have eaten a meal 2 to 3 hours before coming to class Other people can eat half an hour before practicing and feel fine If your stomach has food in it during class the movement and postures might cause the food to pushup against your cardiac valve at the top of the stomach in the long term this might damage your cardiac valve Why is it important to drink lots of water before and after class Drinking water is the single most important thing you can do for your health Our bodies are 80 water and most of us are dehydrated already Every cell of our body contains and relies on water to function properly Working out it is important to be fully hydrated before class and re-hydrate after class Join me on p treon link in socials for naked yoga and fitness
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