feedistdani - Weigh in - measurements to celebrate two years full time gaining i play icon

feedistdani - Weigh in - measurements to celebrate two years full time gaining i

5.2K views5 months ago


Weigh In - Measurements To celebrate two years full time gaining I decided to do a weigh-in amp measurements video to document my gain and Holy COW was I shocked Even though the clothes I m wearing in the video are laughably tight I m still so blown away by the number on the scale This is the biggest I ve ever been and the biggest I ever said I d let myself get I talk about where I ve gained the most inches where I think most of the weight has settled and I even talk about how surprised and turned on I am to have let myself go like this I talk about how funny it is that I can still kind of stretch like the ballerina I grew up as as I show you the 80 pound gain that I ve let run out of my control This is the beginning of a new season of gaining for me and I m as nervous as I am excited I also include some belly in sink plopping arm thigh belly hips and chest measurements and some adorably candid fat chat I even mention one of my Curvage idols
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