Gosh baby you re such a bad influence on me says Dani as she sits on the couch a pack of seltzers next to her If I keep skipping practice like this she chides as her stomach threatens to pop the seams of her yoga pants they may actually kick me off the team You however have other plans in mind You dare her to chug that entire pack of seltzers as fast as she can funneling each one Shocked then amused she accepts your challenge Watch Dani as she funnels down seltzer after seltzer her stomach bloating up with every single gulp Her face flushes and her movements get wobblier as the alcohol settles She talks less and less instead only able to burp and hiccup in between funneling each seltzer she pulls out of the pack By the end Dani is beached on her couch belly stretched beyond belief She s only able to let out belches as she becomes entranced by her balloon belly in such a dr nken stupor