feedistdani - Dani starts the video with thick white cream already dribbling down play icon

feedistdani - Dani starts the video with thick white cream already dribbling down

4.4K views5 months ago


Dani starts the video with thick white cream already dribbling down onto her double chin She opens her mouth wide before stuffing an entire thick sticky eclair into her mouth gulping it further and further down her throat without even pausing to chew Her other hand is jiggling her massive fat gut and when she finally begins to chew she can hardly keep her mouth closed from all of the chocolate packed in her cheeks Countless innuendos tumble out of her icing stained lips as she devours an entire pack of eclairs I ve given up trying to figure out which one I want first because I always try to take them all One after another I feel so dirty and insatiable So greedy for all I can get Mmmmm all I could think about today was how much I wanted all this How much I love the taste How good it feels to get every last bit inside me I used to be able to stop at just one but I just can t seem to control myself anymore
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