heathercarolin - Ok i had to give them water they looked so parched and it s so hot part 1 play icon

heathercarolin - Ok i had to give them water they looked so parched and it s so hot part 1

5.9K views5 months ago

Heather Carolin

Ok I had to give them water they looked so parched and it s so hot today Look at how adorable they are OK I had to give them food Watch the videos and find out why Look how happy they are now Animals seem to know they can ask me for help I have helped so many animals in my life I never refuse the opportunity I try to be thoughtful and question if it is a beneficial action or not first but ultimately I have a very hard time turning my back on anything in need If you are hungry I want to feed you If you are dirty I want to bathe you Etc etc Someday I hope to have an animal rescue of some sort I am still trying to determine exactly how and what I would do What I would focus on etc It requires a lot of volunteer hours at existing places as well I have logged some hours already but I want to find a good place to start logging more All I know is making animals happy makes me happy I am still sitting under this shade tree smiling next to these chicks and hen I enjoy just seeing them happily fill their bellies
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