New Year s competition Pick a sock number and get a gift Hello everyone As we prepare to welcome the New Year with excitement and joy I have something special for you Introducing the Pick a sock number get a gift contest to add some fun to your New Year s Eve celebrations Here s how it works Pick a number between 1 and 5 Each number corresponds to a unique sock in my collection One sock is 15 Two socks - 20 Three socks - 30 If you buy 3 socks at once - you will get a pleasant surprise After purchase - write the number in private messages and get your gift Who knows You might win an awesome surprise gift to start the New Year off right A huge hello to all my incredible subscribers - thanks to your support and enthusiasm we continue to have fun Thank you for being a part of this amazing community Stay tuned for more New Year s Eve reveals Let s make the countdown to the New Year even more exciting together Wishing you all a fantastic New Year filled with love joy and exciting surprises