liyamoon31 - I think these two opposite hypostases just can t exist without each part 2 play icon

liyamoon31 - I think these two opposite hypostases just can t exist without each part 2

5.8K views7 months ago


i think these two opposite hypostases just can t exist without each other our demonic part and angelic part What do you think Which side do you like better As for me darling I must admit I have a soft spot for that devilish side haha There s a certain thrill in embracing the darkness within letting go of inhibitions and reveling in pure unadulterated desire But then again the allure of the angelic the purity and grace it tempts me with its own brand of seduction Perhaps it s the contrast that truly sets my passions ablaze What about you my dear Which side stirs your soul the most the devilish or the angelic
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