2024 I won t miss you Hello my new stage of life 2025 the year I will be a better person Time to take stock time to make plans This year has been hard for everyone but next year will be better I m grateful to 2024 for making me stronger for being able to achieve my goals and cope with all the difficulties and proudly accept the gifts of fate I was able to help my family I helped volunteer centers and received a certificate as Volunteer of the Year I learned to cook new dishes and not to be afraid of experiments I read 100 books this year I tried new hobbies I almost overcame my fear of heights I guess that list is something to be proud of isn t it How was your year Well its time to plan for 2025 the year I become a better person and I decided to write it down here as my personal manifesto of wishes I ll become a better version of myself and get a better sleep routine I ll sport in my life every day and go to the gym 3 times a week I ll double my reading list I ll help people in need more I ll help people in need more I ll help people in need more even more I ll become a better dog handler and get into a dog club I ll try weird food I ll conquer my fear completely I ll start to realize myself in music I ll just be happy Is there anything else you should add What are your plans for this year I wish 2025 to be the best year ever and bring only joy and smiles