thefantasychest - So you wanna be my pet episode 1 so you wanna be my foot man so you play icon

thefantasychest - So you wanna be my pet episode 1 so you wanna be my foot man so you

11.3K views8 months ago

The Fantasy Chest

So You Wanna Be my Pet Episode 1 So you wanna be my foot man So you wanna be my pet Well I told you I was gonna show you it s a lot harder than you initially anticipated What We didn t say anything about me not teasing the living fuck out of you while you sit there playing Sole Ga zing with me Are you still SO sure you have the mental and cock capacity to be up to the task The mental fortitude to endure just sitting there The cock fortitude to withstand how hard you d be everyday of the week And don t forget this is just one of the many ways I play Sole Ga zing Maybe I ll have to show you other variations of the game To Be Continued Xoxo -Gwen
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