thefantasychest - Foot tickle therapy my revenge part 1 now you can see why after a very play icon

thefantasychest - Foot tickle therapy my revenge part 1 now you can see why after a very

8.4K views7 months ago

The Fantasy Chest

Foot Tickle Therapy My REVENGE Part 1 Now you can see why after a very busy month on his feet for my husband why I wanted to give him a taste of his own so called Tickle Therapy As a lot of you know he s already a desperately ticklish man to begin with so knowing how much he d been on his feet in dress shoes in socks I was pretty positive my long nails were about to utterly tickle-wreck his tired soft sweaty soles Not to mention all those tickle toys he had used on my helpless feet Oh yea They were gonna be in that tired hot sweaty condition when I applied his own Foot Tickle Therapy methods to his helpless feet to ensure I did nothing short of tickle tor ture the fuck outta him That s why I texted him on his way home prior to his foot tickle tor ture to inform him that the very moment he get s in the door he would be trading his dress shoes in for those same hot fuzzy slippers he had put me in and assuming a naked everywhere else position on the bed so I could strap him down and begin his Treatment He s SO lucky that I have such a weak spot for penis tho because there s no way I m gonna be able to tie him down naked and not play with his cock So I guess that unlike my Foot tickle therapy the experience he s about to have is actually gonna be therapeutic Right around the time I wrap my hands around his rock hard shaft and slowly EVER so slowly edge him to one of those massive orgasms I adore watching him have But before ANY of that let s get rid of these slippers and have a look see just how ticklish my helpless little toy is shall we To Be Continued Xoxo -Gwen
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