thefantasychest - Best of friends part 21 the converse queen sweet caramel popcorn okay play icon

thefantasychest - Best of friends part 21 the converse queen sweet caramel popcorn okay

10.1K views7 months ago

The Fantasy Chest

Best Of Friends Part 21 The Converse Queen Sweet Caramel Popcorn Okay so I SWEAR I posted this for you guys just before the Easter long weekend but I don t see it anywhere on my page Maybe I didn t Or maybe it s gone because I have music playing in the background Well Whatever the reason is I guess her goes take 2 Not gonna share the whole story just incase it is the music thing But here s more than enough of what you need to know He had found a store that was essentially made for me Not only made for me because of how fucking sexy my feet soles are but ALSO because of the roles we now not only played but truly lived with each other Me Queen Him Foot boy He had found a store that specialized in Wait for it Clothing and apparel made for foot queen s and sole goddesses No no joke Totally legit An entire online store whose inventory is foot fetish clothing Much like the shirt I m wearing in the video you are inevitably about to cum to The store is called Team Pretty Feet and it exists to show off showcase and acknowledge women like me who have hot mesmerizing mouthwatering cum inducing soles Needless to say I was gifted with several shirts N accessories by my dedicated bestie foot boy paying love to the obvious fact that I was born to be a member of Team Pretty Feet After I dawned one of my shirts and paraded around barefoot in Converse for the day I decided to gift him back for my little gifts Allowing him to take said hot sweet converse off my no doubt significantly hotter sweeter feet and sniff every bit of that dreamy caramel popcorn from every inch of my soft flawless soles I know right Is your mouth watering at the thought I really do feel like a queen Shirt 100 not needed for THAT of course but it does add a rather amusing element To Be Continued xoxo -Gwen
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