anniebody - Woke up hard the last couple days and sadly no not hard in a good way play icon

anniebody - Woke up hard the last couple days and sadly no not hard in a good way

2.4K views20 hours ago

Annie Body

woke up hard the last couple days and sadly no not hard in a good way either Have you ever had those mornings where you feel more tired and exhausted then when you laid down to bed the night before Well that s been My position lately you know when your eyes feel like they are carrying weights and your brain isn t quite fully awake Man what stress can do to you Be careful of this beast it s company is not one to be desired whybealemonwhenyoucanbethelemonade I have found the best way to shake off this type of a day to keep it s miseries away is to first step outside and just enjoy a few minutes consciously breathing slow and deep in through My nose and out through My mouth just as slow Sometimes with My eyes closed other times I find a pleasant view and focus on just the beauty and wonderment of nature there in it and absolutely nothing else focusedisthemindthattakescareofitself Turning any bad day into a better day is simple once you have mastered the above disconnecttoreconnect Turning any bad situation into a better one becomes simpler too withfocuscomesclarity Once we clear away the fog and connect back up with clarity we can once again see without the blindness of frustration and stress the two best friends who can easily reek havoc in ones life if allowed to fester where it breeds best warriorupandkillthebeast Gently is the only way to kill the beast for good and accomplish any true goal that emits longevity longevityisgentle Here do it with Me right now and see for yourself trust Me you will feel it s effects immediately and every time you do it there after with or without Me you will find it becoming easier and easier to do Soon with little effort you too will be able to turn any bad into better and sometimes even good or Awesome awesomeisallwaysthegoal On that note I am off to accomplish some awesomeness right now and put some passion into a couple customs I have on the scheduled for today Take care of your mind body and soul and have yourself a mighty fine day no matter what is thrown your way because now you know how to mold it like putty to be what you want it to be right Right beanartistandsculpt helpspreadgoodadvice shareagoodday
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