anniebody - You will be happy to know that i finally just went for it and took a play icon

anniebody - You will be happy to know that i finally just went for it and took a

2.4K views18 hours ago

Annie Body

You will be happy to know that I finally just went for it and took a little break from My legal studies last night to play some guitar well-needed medicine for sure but not only that I also got to enjoy hanging out with a new friend too I mean sure it was via skype but the point is that it was away from My monster and in the arms of a prince instead Way More Better and now this morning I feel WAY MORE BETTER This allows Me to then get right back at it without barely missing a beat Thank you Music and Thank you AB I just love that we have the same initials Ha ah Ha Ha after saying it I now So Wonder who is who s doppelganger - Quite possibly the topic for our next hanging out or could it be a song - With that I will enjoy sending you out into the new day with a bit of this on your mind because it sure is on Mine Oh what fun our last nights fun Thanks again AB You really Are Absolutely Awesome My Friend YRAAAMF choosehappy enjoyyourday
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