anniebody - Good multitasking morning to you too this is generally how i make a play icon

anniebody - Good multitasking morning to you too this is generally how i make a

4.5K views4 months ago

Annie Body

Good multitasking morning to you too This is generally how I make a habit of brushing My teeth always while participating in some sort of physical activity exercise yoga etc I try to apply positive habits throughout My day and make them all multitasking projects which surely helps make them more interesting to want to partake in therefore stuff gets done and way faster all stacked like that than not Quite interestingly that the less time is taken from a day on minor needs the more time is left over for the wants desires and furtherment of education The latter is the most important since with it you can more easily achieve all the rest Not long back I made a vow to revert back to simplicity I did so because I found I was happiest when I lived this way mostly because time can be a hungry beast and I m not really interested in feeding it because I don t want it sticking around like a pet It s far from that in fact it s more like a vacuum that sucks from you the essence you need to survive FUCK ALL THAT For Sure and then some more till the bitch stops bitching and the cows come home hAhaHa A minimalist lifestyle of fashion customized and designed by Me for Me - and I highly encourage you to do the same Darlings Mauh Woooooooooooo hehehe Oh and have a good day -
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