anniebody - Ok so because i have a new cam and for whatever reason it has freaked part 3 play icon

anniebody - Ok so because i have a new cam and for whatever reason it has freaked part 3

8K views7 months ago

Annie Body

Ok so because I have a new cam and for whatever reason it has freaked My mic situation out to where I feel like I am witchhunting it to get sound working See no sound on the first try On the second attempt there is sound but not from the cam I am using and I am not sure which mic it is because for no apparent reason the labels of which is which no longer state which is which It s like trying to poke a pretty but hard to get pussy in complete darkness Trust Me I know from both sides of the equation - eartoearbabycakes Let s see if I can figure out the right one I m going in for No Three No Go On to Four and it s a Winner winner chicken dinner weiner weiner lol -D
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