Four Pound BBQ Stuffing Stoner Version Originally Posted March 2020 - 30 Days of Stuffing Belly Stuffing Messy Eating Tight Clothes Slob Condiment Drinking Smoking Weed Original Caption Watch me stuff nearly FOUR POUNDS of greasy BBQ food into my ENORMOUS growing GUT I shovel Mac amp Cheese and Beans into my FAT FACE while I DEVOUR seemingly endless amounts of fatty meat In the end I cram the last bits of sugary sweets into my quivering tummy as I rub the remnants of my meal across my stomach finally satisfied Retrospective This video has another version where I cut out all the weed smoking I m going to upload both versions because OF sometimes like to take down content with weed use Message Me As a heads up all my posts have their comments disabled so that I don t miss any messages and can talk to you all 1 on 1 If you ever want to talk to me about a specific post always feel free to message me about it