mi-ameli - Self love - the most important page of your life self-love is not play icon

mi-ameli - Self love - the most important page of your life self-love is not

4.3K views6 months ago


Self Love - The Most Important Page of Your Life Self-love is not selfishness it s not arrogance it s taking care of your soul and body It s the ability to tell yourself thank you and I appreciate you every day It s about creating an inner world filled with respect for your own feelings and desires In a world where we often try to please others where ideals of beauty and success are imposed on us it s easy to forget the most important thing of all - ourselves Your self-esteem and respect for yourself are crucial to your well-being Self-love gives you the power to be true to yourself It teaches you to set boundaries say no when you need to and not feel guilty about it It allows you to believe in your abilities and make the decisions you need to make Self-love allows you to forgive yourself for the mistakes and lessons you have learnt along the way It gives you the ability to move forward with optimism even when you ve been crushed by difficulties Self-love doesn t mean that you never experience doubt or low self-esteem It means that even in those moments you are able to find the strength to believe in your worth Remember that you deserve love and respect and those feelings should start with yourself As you take care of yourself those around you will begin to take care of you Self-love is the beginning of everything it is the key to happiness and harmony
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