mi-ameli - Twerk the art that embodies power and expression a little bit about play icon

mi-ameli - Twerk the art that embodies power and expression a little bit about

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Twerk The art that embodies Power and Expression A little bit about twerk and how it has become a true art form of power energy and expression Twerk is a dance style that emphasizes hip and buttock movements creating a hypnotic and spectacular composition Twerk has ancient roots and comes from various cultural traditions around the world It became famous mainly in African-American culture and became a peculiar way of self-expression and liberation Today twerk attracts the attention of dancers and spectators from all over the world with its power and sensuality Twerk is not just about moving the hips it s about expressing your individuality and strength It is an art that allows us to fully immerse ourselves in the music and our emotions freeing us from restrictions and prejudices There are no right or wrong movements in twerking it opens us up to express ourselves through the body and energy Twerk requires strength and flexibility and many dancers take the time to practice and develop their bodies It requires control of every muscle and allows the dancer to gain confidence and body awareness There is beauty and plasticity in every movement of the twerk that can be truly breathtaking
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