fine-lines - Yesterday i had such a good productive day started out with 2 5 hours part 8 play icon

fine-lines - Yesterday i had such a good productive day started out with 2 5 hours part 8

3.9K views4 months ago


Yesterday I had SUCH A GOOD productive DAY Started out with 2 5 hours of product work The parents left for a baseball game It was the first time I had the house to myself in a WHILE Let alone a decent amount of time I knew I had to make some content for you guys when I finished my product work I wasn t in the mood to make content but I knew I couldn t pass up the opportunity Once I got started I got into it and REALLY enjoyed myself Spent the rest of mid morning early afternoon naked I took solo swimming during lunch and was able to work on getting some tan lines made some more content yes I wore a swimsuit bc I didn t know when the Padres would show up again I took care of some business without worrying if I would get a knock on my door or having to be quick or whatever I ended my day just feeling so fucking good I m glad I pushed myself to get started and used my time to fully enjoy myself
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