bg 1x1 openheartscanuniterhy - If we remember our life is our own and what we pour our love into

openheartscanuniterhy - If we remember our life is our own and what we pour our love into

2.8K views3 months ago


If we remember our life is our own and what we pour our love into pours love into us It will make the process more mindful So many of us are living from only emotions and we choose what s desirable so often it is not even healthy Then others of us live from our intellect and we choose to accept everything even thought we feel not aligned with who we are What If for each goal we had we started with Emotional intelligence Because this is where passion emotions joins knowledge intellect and we can use our potential most actualized So if I ask you this question How do find good habits and passion in what you do to make it enjoyable and worthwhile Using the above knowledge you start with where you are and what you have You find what you enjoy and use the knowledge you have From there each step you will find wisdom motivation change and growth for you and so it becomes your lifestyle and the goals start to be achieved one step at a time your way You are the only person who can create your success but you have to be you to do it not what the world or someone asks of Start with you and from within to achieve
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