openheartscanuniterhy - Shame what does this word make you feel limiting beliefs about play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - Shame what does this word make you feel limiting beliefs about

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Shame what does this word make you feel Limiting beliefs about ourselves can hurt us because we continue with a lack of self love disconnection to all we are and do In turn we have a half hearted experience of life This in turn leaves us disempowered to change our lives The truth is your body is a sacred temple of pleasure - your senses are the key to open life up in ways of magic intimacy to yourself experiences and others Teaching naked yoga has changed the way I view my body It has changed the way sexuality may have once disempowered to be too scared to share To realise sexuality is very different to naked yoga And true intimacy does not have a look it has a feel It has taught me sensual when broken down has two meanings Sensuous and Sensual Sensual can take on overtones of sexuality and can be used in contexts of physical intimacy Sensuous however refers to sensuality in terms of anything pleasant like listening to a calming sound touching something that feels soft like this bedding moving to music that makes you lose control or eating something delicious that makes you go mmmm Sharing my naked yoga and fitness has become about the deeper concepts of self love For all those who have seen my body naked and loved or disrespected I know deep down now that the issue isn t the way the world reacts to it or judges me The issue is how I connect to it and judge myself When I go to the dr and have been physically checked not once has my nakedness been the issue or been limited It has always shown that health is from the inside and my outside body is a byproduct of my health from within I know some may know my body from head to toe but that does not mean they know me My body is not who I am Sure it is a reflection of the work I do in movement genetics and also what I eat However to see someone naked does not tell you anything about them If they are kind headstrong have pain etc Teaching naked movement has helped me to drop the stigmas of my body that made me want to hide my body feel depressed and not do things and also limit me in my day to day life The human body to me is fascinating because so much of what we see is stigmatised and made assumptions of how to feel well in our bodies comes with what we feel and how we connect If beauty was the reason for good mental health fitness and long term healthy sexual relationships Then Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would still be together because they are stunning specimens Amy Winehouse amp Kurt Cobain etc would not commit suicide or have had drug issues Because the truth is the human body is not what is causing us issues naked or clothed It is our thoughts and definitions and what is happening within that does If you truly want to be fit and healthy work on your mental health have a healthy sex life and partnership you will need to start creating fitness from the inside And moving naked will drop the sexual overtones It can still make us feel pleasure or be turned to see another body we desire but it will be the way you learn to appreciate respect and build self love more and we can respect others rather than judge them for their nakedness You will also learn some of the most sensual experiences you ll ever have will not reside with the most beautiful or naked experiences they will reside with you being connected to you the experience and the others in it I could talk all day why sensuality is good for us but it is honestly not until we do or feel life the practices that it makes sense We can get caught up in all that blocks us but it is not until we move and drop into the bodies that we understand the importance That is why I teach naked yoga and fitness Do you know the feeling of 100 sit ups just for getting abs or walking till your feet are sore but never noticing the real joy The fitness industry focuses on What does your body look like Why are you not as fit or look like them when they have done the same program Comparison is the theft of joy It also focuses on what needs to change how can your body be better How can you get deeper into a pose or lose weight or attain a number This is not okay and I refuse to be a part of it When darkness hit for me I had to relearn self love I had to learn joy in life again and now I teach it the way I learned it Sensual movement empowers you to feel the body you are in own it appreciate and nourish the body you have and see it with love Savouring every moment and feeling it all Connecting to yourself to a level that you forget time Fitness becomes a byproduct not the only purpose To share my teachings is not about the body but about you learning wholeness and love and pleasure within you Join me top tiers p treon link in socials for naked yoga fitness and dance and connect to yourself on a level that you forget time and fitness becomes a byproduct not the only purpose
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