openheartscanuniterhy - I d like to start by thanking you for being here you beautiful human play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - I d like to start by thanking you for being here you beautiful human

3.7K views3 weeks ago


I d like to start by thanking you for being here you beautiful human and by reminding you that You Are Awesome Life is one hell of a ride It can be tough sad unfair chaotic and confusing at times but it s also breathtakingly beautiful and worth it I started my Instagram page and YouTube channel Open Hearts Can Unite about 9 years ago with the intention of having a space to express myself from the heart in a world where that can feel tough to do I have been blown away by the following that it has attracted and I m immensely grateful for the incredible engagement and daily interaction that I now have Having gone through some tough times I never expected to be online teaching people to get fit from the inside out To be honest after having a kid I struggled in all sorts of ways and I never thought I d wear a bikini again even in the privacy of my own back yard never mind be happy to share so much of myself online But I have come to realize that this was just one of many limiting beliefs that I had taken on from society around me Now more than ever I realize that I can do anything I want to do and be anything I want to be And so can you My Naked Truth Statement I m Rhy I m a yoga teacher and wellbeing consultant I taught myself pole dancing I have experienced ab se been r ped and tried to commit s icide I lost a kid I have a beautiful daughter I post regular photos and videos of myself online with commentaries on life love and yoga I view my body as a gift and don t feel that clothes should define us My images with or without clothes are about art and freedom My heart hurts from all the judgement in the world I wish I could fix it so my daughter didn t have to experience this hatred It s hard being misunderstood in my yoga and fitness The judgement can be overwhelming but all I can do is show my journey and let others share theirs I used to be terrified of being my true self honest and vulnerable But I d rather be judged for my truth than for something perfect that s not who I really am And this is just part of my story My Naked Truth Statement reminds me that I m so many different things a yoga teacher and a mom an Instagrammer and a YouTuber and a person who like most of us has experienced pain and heartbreak as well as incredible joy and love Essentially I m just a woman who s trying to do her best and I want to share with you the discoveries I ve made along the way A bit about me I was born in Hobart Tasmania I ve always loved health and fitness I started walking at 9 mnths and never stopped moving from there I played water polo and swam for Tasmania and competed in track events at the Pan-Pacific Games before becoming a fitness director Today I run a range of online wellness programmes But while I m in a good place now I ve been through some dark times Why do I practise yoga People often ask me why I practise yoga I don t practise the poses alone I practise the breath Yoga means union with the mind acting as a bridge between body and soul The breath becomes a tool for calming the thoughts and bringing the body and mind back into balance In 2015 I was living in Saudi Arabia and struggling like hell with depression It was hard being thousands of miles away from home while I tried to figure out this thing called motherhood I felt lost and overwhelmed Then I discovered yoga which literally saved my life and soul Now I am here a few years later doing more than I thought possible happier than ever If you follow me online you ll know I want everyone to discover how enjoying movement and being comfortable in your mind and body aren t unattainable or unrealistic goals Everyone deserves to feel at home in their body their mind and soul whatever their level of fitness When people first started asking me to write a book share my art online and yoga and workouts I wasn t sure But the more I thought about it the more I could see the value in sharing the lessons I ve learned from my experiences I decided to get out of my own way and talk honestly about them in the hope that this might help people who are going through similar things How can I help you My shares are not a how-to handbook to achieving the perfect asana yoga pose or a guru s guide to enlightenment You ll find no rules or prescriptions I m keen for voice and shares to act like stepping stones inviting you on a journey of self-discovery to get out of your head and into your body and heart To find whatever it is that makes you feel fit open vibrant contented and free It s a journey that might take you to some challenging places along the way to finding your truth but it s better to be judged for your truth than something that you don t believe Truth is vulnerability it is a state of epic courage and ultimate strength and I thank you for being here For more of my workouts and art join me at P treon link in socials You know why I cannot share a link or write the word As OF blocks it You know why I cannot share bikini yoga on my Youtube because youtube would give me a strike and take down my youtube Behind every one story we have about others is another story and much of the world is stopping us from being human in some way shape or form So I am here to learn how to be human between it all and share it with you and hope it helps you all to do the same imperfect stands for Im perfect when we break life down and make the best of it I hope you will enjoy dipping into all I share in any order you like whenever you are looking for a little inspiration In message and post or share you will find special features and quotes to help you experience some of the key ideas and suggestions Feel free to work with these in the way that best suits you Fitness and health isn t really about practising things like yoga or physical health fitness begins with our minds It starts inside Creating fitness from the inside out means choosing the actions that serve us It means letting go of conditioning and showing up for our dreams We can t change our world and the world around us without first winning the war inside Dedicate yourself to you My answer to anyone looking to change their lives or get fit is self-discipline While self-discipline can seem like a difficult word it s about self-love happiness peace and making our dreams come true Thank you for joining me Blessings Rhy
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