My heart and mind is calling me to share this This week in Bangkok there was a sho0ting close to home It left me thinking a lot and unsettled The week before I was in Austria and did some hiking It was nourishing and breathtaking to be in the nature of Europe again I look forward to moving back next year to Switzerland At the top of the mountain and by this Almh tte I stopped for some magic photography opportunities inspired by audriasana I find this world hard at the moment We have a world of connection yet people are poor with communication We have a world of limitless opportunities but yet people are feeling limited We have a world of beauty but people are struggling so much in the darkness of their minds and to find the light Life is not easy and I know that like anyone The truth is we have forgotten nothing on social media shows the true story Everyone has issues Everyone has insecurities Every human alive is struggling with a battle they dont want to talk about Let s stop creating a world where our minds create a fairytale no one escapes real life Lets remember to connect and if others are disconnecting at least remember to connect to ourselves Art and movement reminds me to connect to myself and stop trying to find the connection outside of me When we are y0ung we chase the illusion of perfection As we age it is the humanness that we fall in love with The stories of overcoming the vulnerability that has depth beyond what we can imagine the struggles that grew us and the way a soul shaped itself to adjust to circumstances and make impossible become Im possible with small steps I no longer have the energy to hold up an armour and pretend who I am not I only have the energy to reveal and share who I am Those imperfect scars society tries to tell us we have I see as evidence of a life fully lived and that is really what is most beautiful and should be cherished as many do not get a life fully lived