openheartscanuniterhy - This move at the beginning marks a special reminder to me in january play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - This move at the beginning marks a special reminder to me in january

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This move at the beginning marks a special reminder to me In January this year I damaged my cervical spin I lost my ability to pole dance to push up to pike straddle and stalder press I lost all strength in my left arm For one month I could not sleep because the pain radiating in my shoulder and arm It was funny I was simply sitting on the floor about to start a press handstand and I turned my head and pop my neck went Life is an adventure You d think with all the training I do I would have a fancy story like being in a funny bendy position However nope just chilling on the floor You see injuries often occur in every day life Injuries are apart of life just like walking down the street and we trip over Or many of us as we hit our 30s wake up with a stiff back or neck The body is complex and that is why doing our best to work on our real wealth our health is important So we can prevent as much issues as possible recover well when things happen and keep in life as we journey through it without limitations It is not all about the fancy poses and 6 packs It is simply being able to have a tool for life For the last few months I have been fighting with the belief I will heal and get better I have struggled to re learn push ups do rehab and teach which is one of my jobs I could not afford not to teach However that is life Some parts are real strugglesville On socials we often see none of the struggles I have been sharing my journey on socials without many skills I love to do It has been tough keeping myself positive It has humbled me and broken me down to a new level of upward spiral of kindness and compassion Over the months of have been doing rehab studying many new techniques for handstands backbends body weight movements and also mobility and learning about ways to build a more sound body I have been putting in many hours of all the foundations Yesterday was the first time I could do this pole trick again One month ago was the first time I could complete a few push ups and now I can complete 10 -20 again with reasonable ease 2 weeks ago I finally got my pike press in handstands back I am still working on my stalder press and chin stand I have been doing a lot of foundational weight lifting bodyweight rehab and band work I have been developing stronger glutes and shoulders I have been learning how press handstands have a pattern When and how the shoulders move in each press and hips I have been learning how to open my hip flexors in backbends All of this to say I continue to learn and grow and rewire my patterns every day however now more than ever We never truly know the journey of another offline So for all those who are going through it I wanted to share mine a little deeper so you know you are not alone Lets remember to never compare ourselves to others journey as we cannot see the work or suffering that exists For those of you who have experienced injury or having to regain or build their fitness and feel like it will never happen I feel you but know with time and compassion towards ourselves the only constant is change and it will We just have to let go of expectations and enjoy the journey and work with quality over quantity The worst will become better and the better will become worst That is life constant change One of the highlights of this injury is it has given me a new respect for my body the journey of growth and lessons about how to move my body I now know more about a press handstand and its patterns than I ever did before I now know more about how to invert on pole and safely then I ever did before Truly it has been some of the hardest months of my life and humbling However from this and rising from it I am learning to become a better mover and teacher Moments like this success on the pole getting my pike press back being able to do push ups again sleep without pain and move more free and strongly remind me of all the pain and suffering is worth the wait and hard work for unexpected successes that crop up into our journeys Tell me a challenge you ve not shared or had this year you are still working through or got through Full dances on p treon link in socials
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