openheartscanuniterhy - This body is my life s work it never came easy it is not a walk in the play icon

openheartscanuniterhy - This body is my life s work it never came easy it is not a walk in the

2.2K views1 month ago


This body is my life s work It never came easy It is not a walk in the park to keep doing what I do At 40 after a kid it is an everyday process I m tired I m exhausted I do not do it for the world I do it for me I want to know how much I can accomplish in this small body in this short time on earth My life s message is through my body my story is told by my body but I am not my body My body just represents my actions I take daily through the discipline of my mind I love the human body and all its beauty When I look at a y ung person s body I admire their youth and the ease and grace they have that we forget to cherish when we are y ung When I look at a mother I admire the way a body can create life and also be used to live a life How she is not selfish but giving and in that giving her body is a masterpiece When I look at an older body I want to know their stories of their life and all they have experienced The only thing I wish for more than anything is we could be a little kinder to each other and have a little more awe for the magic that the human bodies can do Join me on top tiers p treon link in socials for nude yoga DM if you would like to experience a nude yoga or workout here from P treon
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